ETSIA: University Master's Degree in Advanced Techniques in Agricultural and Food Research and Development (2032)


Imagen Presentation

The study plan has been favourably assessed by the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación. Its introduction has been authorised by the Consejo de Gobierno of the Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia according to Decreto n.º 269/2009 de 31 de julio.

The programme of the Master’s Degree in Advanced Techniques In Agricultural And Food Research And Development seeks to initiate university students in research in that field. The programme is founded, on the one hand, in the research developed by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica and on the other hand, in the technological development of the agricultural and food sector in Spain.

The main objective of this Master’s degree programme is to train researchers in the field of agricultural and food development, given that all current indicators show that an increase in the critical mass of researchers in this area is required in the EU. Despite the fact that agriculture, from the production phase through to processing and fabrication, has a very broad field in which to research and innovate, there are certain horizontal work tools that enable students to be trained with excellent technical capabilities and which are applicable to such varied sectors as the environment, genetics and animal and plant improvement, food processing or pest control. This background has led us to formulate a master’s degree programme with four clearly defined modules, one of methodological courses and the other three of fundamental courses.

Those students who undertake the master’s degree programme should become university specialists in research and development in the field of agriculture and food.

This master’s degree provides access to the research stage of the Doctorado en Técnicas Avanzadas en la Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario y Alimentario, distinguished with a mention for excellence by the Spanish Ministry of Education for the academic years 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014, verified by the Royal Decree RD99/2011.


Coordinator UPCT Raúl Zornoza Belmonte
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